Tattykeel Sales

Poll Dorset Sales

After 47 years of stand alone Poll Dorset Stud Sales, since 2023 Tattykeel has combined this sale with their Annual Flock Ram Sale.

The sale will now be held in October at the Sale Shed at the “Branxton Park” property.

You can find out more information such as the sale dates, see sale video’s and download brochures on this page.


Australian White Sales

Tattykeel also hold an Annual Stud Sale for Australian Whites.

The Australian White Annual Stud Sale usually follows the Poll Dorset sales held each September.

You can find out more information such as the sale dates, see sale video’s and download brochures on this page.


Angus Sales

Tattykeel generally have Angus cattle, semen and embryos available for private sale. Enquiries for private sale should be directed to Rachael Wheeler on Ph. 0439 413 482.

Whilst Tattykeel doesn’t yet hold an Annual Angus Sale, we will occasionally offer Stud Stock for Sale On-line and in a few select auctions.

You can find out more information such as sale dates, see sale videos and download brochures on this page.